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A member registered Nov 13, 2016

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my new family is done and he is now working on my new memories  and after that update he work on MNF2

it is a  good AVN that is my suggestion that you asked for

my new family is done by killer7

it be nice to see some lewds of the new girls

it sounds like a good idea

what ahppened?

i dont know why but sandy face didnt appeal to me as it did in the original game.

i got it to work just the app being stupid

its says whoops unable to accept invite

is the discord link working for anyone else?

c and red

i think the MNF xmas special could be fun

I found MNF the update before you met alice and enjoy all the update since then and been loving MNM that i bough it on steam so keep up the good work.


love fiona

ok cool i have to give this mod a try

Will you be doing mods like this for his other game?

arrow keys to arrows on screen to move from cam to cam then when you spot something different click the button on the bottom right the click the one you think it is then click send and see if your right

is verison1.0.1c the full game?

where can you see the weekly lewd?

ok thanks and i did download the game and its been fun so fa

i was getting netori and netorare mixed up in my head thank you

ok i seen the tags for it on a site and one was NTR and i aint in to that  so thanks for answering my question

its most likely the inc patch and it show just go in the file called gam

does this game have NTR and if it does can i avoid that part?

cant wait for feb 14 woo get hype

see while i like lewd things, to me its better to get to know a bit about the character you are gonna have fun with.

my guess is Elaine is gonna be  pregnant she is old os it shouldnt be possible at her age.

I think it be good to add in the characters  in MNM that way pp like me can go to it and go ahhh her to refresh memories. and i LOVED chapter 2 and the ending was so cute as well.

I can't wait for this chapter, and it makes sense you tell sabrina since they have the twin power.

no problem

I just tried it and yes it works for MNF as well as MNM

I had save problem with MNM but i had to replay the whole thing which a nice refeasher of the story and i found out you can use a xbox 360 controller and it was the non steam verison, stay  a great game.

i am wondering that to

I think doing it this way well help you from burning out on one game, like a breath of fresh air.

those renders are looking good

i think it have a full week when it releases i believe i coud be wrong

i know the first three days was on his discord to try and give him feed back not sure if it is there anymore